Thursday, January 29, 2009

Post 4

To clarify it is partially good and partially bad. For the people living the lives it obviously is not bad because it has been that way for a while. It is not so bad because that's what they have grown up to think that it is fine. They do not mind it because they have not had anything different and to them freedom means chaos. To us it is unimaginable because we live with the ability to make choices and decide what we want to do with our life. We choose our jobs, who we want to marry, and what we want to do on a day to day basis. The loss of this freedom seems to make us scared and we make sure that we can preserve these freedoms. Also we like to talk about individuality and how much we stand out so being told to blend in goes against what we believe.

(hey i got em done....) (and i used the correct notation of 3 dots to lead and the 4th to end the conversaton....)<----------

Post 3

3) In chapter 17, Mustapha Mond and John Savage discuss civilization. John says two startling things: “What you need is something with tears for a change. Nothing costs enough here” and “But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.” Read this interchange carefully and then put Mond and Savage’s arguments into your own words.

The entire society is based on controlling peoples feelings and actions. Even the main people are called "the controllers". This means that in the end there are no highs. There are no lows. But because of this there is no emotional involvement and no way to really feel involved. If you feel sad for losing something then it means that you felt great when you had it. All in all its about variety. Rather than have the "perfect" Utopian but bland lives he wants to be able to experience those things that he has not been able to do. There is something special about new experience even if its a bad experience. If it is a good experience that means that you have grown as a person and if its bad then if nothing else you have learned something

post 2

2) Comment on the purpose of sex, games, and sayings like “ending is better than mending” in the book. How are all of these things used as a method of control?

The purpose of sex and games seems to be to keep peoples mind off of things relationship wise and more on work. When you are trying to find someone it takes time, effort, and energy. This in the dystopia is energy taken away from work and also time that is not spent buying goods in order to further the economy. The games are all extremely complex and takes many different items to play. This means that money is required to play and also that it again keeps people distracted enough not to thing about the situation that they are in. The phrase "ending is better than mending" it means it is better to put less effort into it and to just forget about it rather than think and try to fix things. This is all a big form of getting people not to think about their life. They buy new things, stay busy, and do not fix things they should.

(more to come)

Post 1

The most relevant that they talked about was the "taxicopter" and how everyone has a personal vehicle. Today most people have 1 or 2 cars per family and it is not unreasonable to think that in another 550 years we could have some of the things. The most ridiculous thing they talked about was how the class system worked. How everyone is the exact same I would think that someone would come around and rebel. Also how 10 people tend to control everything about life also seems odd. Even the Alphas would have some sort of conflict with their conscience and try to stop what they saw as unjust. Overall the ideas in this book are not overly crazy. In some time with a little push from a crazy leader we could end up in this book. Its hard to tell especially when there are over 500 years until this book would "take place"

(more will come)