Sunday, November 30, 2008

Act 5

Because it is all too easy I will talk about two of the images that are in this act. The first one will be about the doubles image as I have done before. In act four Macbeth was assure that he would not die because there are no men who were not born from women and also because the woods cannot march on a castle. In this Act though we learn that these were covers and not only is this a deep wound to Macbeth's confidence but shows how much everyone has turned on Macbeth. Finally we are faced with the death of most important character; Macbeth. He knows he is going to die as the warnings have all come true and he knows that he must fail and die in order to finish them. Still he fights to the death ending what started with a death.


Eli said...


you blog is well thought out, but i think the main thing that holds it back from being a really good blog is your sentence structure. I stumbled along as I read this. I did, however, like and agree with your points about Macbeths paranoia.