Wednesday, September 10, 2008


In the end rob proposes to Linda. He states that before he was afraid of loosing his freedom and now he realizes that getting married gives u freedom. He also states that its marriage to someone you 'love' and that if they were married that he would not cheat on her. This in my opinion is a stupid argument. Saying that you will cheat on someone only because you are not married completely undermines the dating process. I believe that he will probably get a couple of months into the relationship and decide that its not for him. The ending in my opinion is just the calm before the storm of the breakup.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Chapters 22-26

Robs has a problem with people that he loves dying and because of this he is afraid of getting too close to anyone. His infidelity is one where he believes that by separating himself emotionally from his relationship he may be able to prevent the feeling of bad. It is not a reasonable excuse at all. Just because there is some reason that he feels hurt does not mean he can use it as an excuse to hurt others. His response to her mom's death was kinda odd. it was a little emotionless. It shows his inability to actually process emotion on a normal level. It is because of this that he ends up screwing up so many of his relationships.

chapters 14-21

The basis of what he is trying to do is find a reason that the can feel bad about. Something where he can say "oh I did this and that's why I'm messed up, I never had a chance before." He thinks he is messed up and instead of trying to change what he notices is wrong with him now, he is trying to just go back and annoy the crap out of everyone else. He even meets a couple of his Ex-girlfriends that are more messed up than him, and instead of feeling bad for them he is more like "yeah, now there is less about me I have to feel bad about." I am upset because he shows little maturity in these chapters.

Chapters 7-13

When Rob meets Laura he is very much in love and puts alot of time into little things. He spends a ton of time on just making a mix tape because he wants to get it just 100% perfect. This shows how much time he thinks about her. But in the end he ends up cheating on her. The question is how can someone spend so much time thinking about someone and then end up completely disrespecting her. I believe that he is someone who is afraid to commit. This is shown throughout his life. The reason he has never gone out for anything else is because he would then have to declare what he wanted to do. But by staying at his store he is able to keep a relaxed lifestyle without much change.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Top five bad ways to break

1. Caught in the act
2. Txt
3. not talking any more
4. going out with best friend of current bf
5. leave a message on voice mail

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Top six movies movies that i like

1. SuperBad
2. Anchorman
3. Dazed and confused
4. The Dark Knight
5. Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo bay
6. Death Race