Thursday, January 29, 2009

post 2

2) Comment on the purpose of sex, games, and sayings like “ending is better than mending” in the book. How are all of these things used as a method of control?

The purpose of sex and games seems to be to keep peoples mind off of things relationship wise and more on work. When you are trying to find someone it takes time, effort, and energy. This in the dystopia is energy taken away from work and also time that is not spent buying goods in order to further the economy. The games are all extremely complex and takes many different items to play. This means that money is required to play and also that it again keeps people distracted enough not to thing about the situation that they are in. The phrase "ending is better than mending" it means it is better to put less effort into it and to just forget about it rather than think and try to fix things. This is all a big form of getting people not to think about their life. They buy new things, stay busy, and do not fix things they should.

(more to come)