Friday, August 29, 2008


1. Dream cars
2. Bands
3. Movies
4. Vacations
5. Stupid video games that we like to play any way (ex. Pokeman)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fleshing out the characters

1. What is his or her name? His name is Tom Cruise
2. What does he or she do for a living? He is an actor
3. What is his or her height/weight/hair color and style/body type? He is average height with brown hair maybe 150 pounds with a slim body type

4. What type of clothes does he or she usually wear? he usually dresses up
5. Best qualities? He is a decent actor
6. Worst qualities? doesn't think when talking, irrational, crazy
7. How does he or she come across? Easygoing? Short-tempered? Etc. he is short tempered and irrational. he does not take well to others not 100% following him
8. Weaknesses?stupidity, and irrationality.
9. What or who does he or she hate? when he is not in charge
10. What or who does he or she love? Money, and the idea of being in charge

((((((In First Person)))))))

Im packing my clothes in a suitcase. I could easily buy some more but these were specifically picked out by the church to fit my Thetan. Then she walks in...Kate. I am leaving her because she recently decided she did not want to answer to me. After a long argument about how I was to be the next number one of Scientology and that she should stay or else face the wrath of my powerful position. She told me for the eighth time in ten minutes that I should seek psychiatric care even though she knows that it is damaging according to Scientology. She moronically suggests things like this over and over but I make sure she knows that I am in charge. I walk out ignoring her cries and loud yells. Then I remember the baby. I have to get to it other wise it cannot grow up in the light of L. Ron Hubbard. I end up in a tugging war with Katy. She screams at me telling me that "her" baby wont grow up to be "crazy" like me. The baby is obviously in pain but its better for it Thetan to grow up without a body than to grow up not how i want it too. So in the end the baby died, but it is ok because L. Ron Hubbard would have approved.

Monday, August 25, 2008

How I feel

I feel very odd about Rob. He seems like a very normal guy who has a checkered past of broken relationships. It seems like he is extremely over-analytical. You can tell that he is simply because of all the list he talks about. He will go from his girlfriends, to movies and music. He is even so analytical that he can remember things that have happened to him a very long time ago. But at the same time he has been someone who has held himself back for so long, not really doing what he has been able too. His situation is also very odd because he is trying to go back and almost relive the mistakes that he has made in order to try to continue living a good life. While I understand what he is doing I still believe its a little confusing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bored reading

Something that really got my attention was the comment about how when you get bored you stop wanting to read. I really can identify with this because I myself hate reading if the plot does not interest me. Also if the writer's style is not what I like then it makes it hard to understand as well as keep my interest. Even if the book may seem a bit childish, the fact that it is interesting can redeem it. Because I was truly intrigued with 'Into the Wild' it made the hours go by so fast as I would read. But when I had nothing to do and a book that is uninteresting, I cannot save it for the life of me. It is all about how interesting it is for me because that is why I read!

Friday, August 15, 2008

First one

I do read fairly often but when I read it is because I am interested in the book not because its what I have been told to do. I often read books that are less about literary enjoyment and more about the image I get in my head. During the summer I read the entire halo series. While some laugh at it because it is based on a video game, it is an in depth look at relation between two types of people/species. There are five books out in the series and I read them all in less than a two week period with all of them being over 300 pages. Usually when I get into a book that I do not like as much (into the wild), I tend to take a long time simply because I cannot get into the book and actually visualize the situation. It is also hard because I always seem to get distracted by something that I think is more interesting whether that be a TV show or just going and playing some sort of sport with my friends. I also read magazines but usually tech ones. I read them because they combine opinions of others along with previews for something that I might see or buy. These things create a publication that allows me to just keep reading without any effort.